Porsia Wellness
Not Just A Goal, But A Way of Life

A Metabolic Approach to Wellness





We are still updating our website with many new items  for all your wellness needs. But in the meantime, please take a look around and feel free to contact me with any questions.

Your Metabolic Health Matters -- To improve our health, we need to rethink our "health"care.

If you, or a loved one, is struggling with a health condition, has tried standard of care (SOC) treatment, is looking to prevent a recurrence, or is just looking to prevent illness and maintain optimal health, the Metabolic Approach is essential.


Who Benefits from a Metabolic Approach
Preventative Newly Diagnosed Currently in Treatment Support
Alternative to SOC EVERYONE! Family History of Disease
Those who are motivated & committed to take charge of their health and willing to make lifestyle changes.


The Metabolic Approach to wellness is a well-defined method of personalized, one-on-one education and support – that we believe will change the standard of "health"care and disease prevention. With more people empowered with an understanding of the Metabolic Approach and how to follow it for themselves, we can alter how we view and ultimately treat disease. This method is not merely focusing on the symptoms, but is based on understanding a person's unique bio-individuality based on testing, assessing and addressing the specific health issues that ultimately caused the problem.

Our basic focus begins with ten interconnected areas that are metaphorically like "soil" that I call The Metabolic Landscape. When we look at our Metabolic Landscape, in part, and as a whole, we can begin to assess changes that will improve conditions, thus allowing for new growth and healing. As any gardener will tell you, nothing can grow without proper preparation of the soil.  Healing starts when your Landscape is at it's healthiest.




 Coming Soon!





The Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health was founded by Dr. Nasha Winters, author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Graduates from their Practitioner Master Course and Terrain Advocate Program, form a network of ongoing support for professionals and individuals seeking alternative treatment options.

As an Advocate, I am not acting, intended or otherwise, as a healthcare provider and do NOT make representation of any medical training. Use of my advocacy services, including access to discount supplements, lab work and consulting, does NOT in any way constitute a "provider-patient" relationship. Any recommendations made are NOT intended as medical advice, or a substitute for the medical advice of a qualified healthcare professional. Always seek advice from a physician before undertaking a new health regimen. Nothing provided in or through this website has been evaluated by the FDA and the information is for educational purposes only and is NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
